Batik Handmade and Printed Batik

  1. Done by using Canting, the tool made from copper, which can be formed to accommodate wax batik, have the edge with a channel / small pipes to discharge the wax in the picture early on the surface of cloth.
  2. The shape of the image / design in handmade batik is not clear that there is repetition, so the image can see more supple line with the size of the motif that can be relatively small compared with the printed batik.
  3. Figure handmade batik can be seen on both sides of the cloth see more average (transparency fro) for a fine handmade batik.
  4. Basic color fabrics are usually younger than the scratches on the color motifs (handmade batik “putihan” / “tembokan”).
  5. Each snippet of the image (multiplicity decorative), repeated on the sheet of cloth usually will never be the same shape and size. Unlike printed batik with a probability can be exactly the image that between one picture with the other.
  6. Time required for the creation of handmade batik relatively long (2 or 3 times longer) compared with the production of printed batik. Continuing a fine handmade batik can take 3 to 6 months.
  7. Canting the form of working tools is relatively cheaper price ranges from Rp. 10.000, - to Rp. 20,000 -/pcs.

The selling price of batik write relatively more expensive, because of the generally better quality, luxury and unique.

Batik prints

  1. Done with the seal (a tool made from copper, which was formed in accordance with the picture or motif desired). To handle the creation of a stamp batik, with dimensions of length and width: 20 cm x 20 cm, the time required an average of 2 weeks.
  2. The shape of the image / design on the printed batik there is always a repetition of clear, so visible image repeated with the same shape, size line with the motif of relatively larger compared with a handmade batik.
  3. Figure printed batik usually do not emerge on both sides of the cloth.
    Basic color fabrics are usually older than the color of the scratches motives. This is not to make printed batik closing on the basis of a more complex motives as well as the usual process on handmade batik. Correlation with the organizers of the sale price of a cheaper and faster production. Time needed for a piece of cloth printed batik ranged from 1 to 3 weeks.
  4. To create a variety of printed batik motifs, it needed a lot of cachet. Meanwhile, the price cap is relatively more expensive batiks from Canting. For the price of batik stamp on the condition now with the size of 20 cm x 20 cm, ranging between Rp. 350.000, - to Rp. 700000, -/motif. So, from the capital early printed batik relatively more expensive.Timed use of batik stamp in good condition, which can reach 5 years to 10 years, with a note not damaged. Repetition stamp batik copper to almost not limited used

The selling price printed batik relatively cheaper compared with a handmade batik, usually due to the number and have many similarities and the other one is not unique, not less special and exclusive.

Besides differences between the visual side of the handmade and printed batik, but from the production side there are some similarities that should be carried out in fulfillment of both. Among them are:

  1. Both can be said batik cloth, as is done with the use of candles as a media stranglehold color.
  2. It done almost by human hands to create the image and color processing go close.
    The materials also use the same basic form of a white cloth, and should not be distinguished yarn basic types of material (cotton or silk) or form woven product.
  3. The use of materials, pigments and processing the same color, there is no difference between handmade and printed batik.
  4. How to determine the lay-out or patron, and also forms the motive may be the same between them. So that when they made clothes to be sewn, there is no difference for designer clothes or the tailor. Only to distinguish the quality of the picture only.
  5. How to take care of batik cloth (save, and wash) there is no difference.
    To make batik ,both needed to create an image or put on a show early primary and easier to understand the motive of which will occur.

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